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“Movement is life, life is a process. Improve the quality of the process and you improve the quality of life itself.”

Moshe Feldenkrais


Individual Mindful Movement work

Discover the power of somatic bodywork with a 90-minute
Introductory Session at 40% off!


Limited to the first 10 people, and will go on a first come first serve basis...

Only 1 place left!

To secure your spot, send me a message at

Spring special for 1-to-1 Intro session Wix.png

The majority of my one-on-one clients come to see me through word of mouth. Someone tells them something along the lines of "What Iryna does is a kind of magic. You lie on a table, and she gently moves different parts of your body around for an hour, then you stand up and you feel so much better! I feel more and more improvement after each session! I can't explain what it is, but it feels so good! You've got to try it yourself." 

And so, I receive a nervous call or an email like "A friend of mine told me to see you. I don't really know what is it that you do, but here's what my issue is. They said you could help... can you?"


Along with a discussion of the issue at hand, the simplest way to demystify the "magic something" part of my work would be:

Beach Outfit


  • through life all of us develop our own specific ways of moving, and very often we get stuck in those ways. In the Mindful Movement practice, we discover and rediscover different ways of movement that are not just possible for your body starting right where you are, but also easier, more efficient and do not hurt.


  • we use a very gentle touch and small movements to relieve muscle tension and teach the brain and body that the system doesn't need to hold all that tension to function. We create a safe environment for nervous system to let go and reorganise itself in a better way from a place of comfort.


  • we work with movement patterns and underlying habits that contribute to the symptoms of discomfort you experience on a daily basis. By slowly becoming aware of what no longer serves us, we can unweave them and add better alternatives. This allows you to, slowly but steadily, improve your organisation for a long-term effect.


  • where physical therapy focuses on treating muscles and gaining muscle strength for improvement, we work with re-establishing skeletal support. We focus on providing support to an injury or weak place by clarifying connections between different parts of the skeleton and letting bones stack themselves in a natural position. This automatically reduces unnecessary muscular work and engages appropriate supportive muscles for a lighter and more effortless movement.


  • we use movement as a tool to improve our nervous system, learn to let go of unnecessary tension and experience feeling and functioning better in our body. You can then gradually integrate this experiential knowledge into other areas of your life and see its influence not only on your physical, but also on your emotional and psychological well-being.

Currently, I mainly work with people on an individual program basis


Sustainable outcomes take time and commitment, and the program format has proven to consistently bring the best results for my clients.



Reconnect & Reclaim
Your Body

3-month long

to reconnect with yourself and rediscover the joy of living and moving in your own body 


Posture Vitality

5-months long

to improve your posture & start

moving with lightness, ease and grace through your life

What is included?

Reconnect & Reclaim Your Body

Posture Vitality





customised one-to-one sessions

75 min each, in my cabinet in Luxembourg-Cents;

up to 2-3 sessions can be carried out online if needed

access to weekly online group lessons

during the program + 3 months after it ends

personalised selection of recorded Mindful Movement lessons

also downloadable for future use

on-demand check-in calls 

30-min; via Zoom or on the phone

continuous email support 

The individual work IS for you if you:


  • suffer from chronic pain, balance issues, or other stress-, injury- or neurology-related movement limitations that decrease your quality of life and you would like to change it

  • want to learn to use yourself in a more efficient, easier and pain-free way, and rebuild trust and confidence in your body (be that after a long time of physical illness or psychological unease)

  • are past the illusion of a "quick fix" and understand that it takes time to make a sustainable long-term change and that your involvement in the process is the key

  • are open to improving your ability to sense yourself and discover alternatives to your habitual patterns of organisation and self-use in movement, and curious to explore how it affects your daily life


The individual work is NOT for you if you are:


  • searching for a quick-fix

  • not ready to actively participate in the process

  • not interested in learning more about yourself and your possibilities for improvement


If you want to know more about the programs,  please send me a message at and I will be happy to arrange a short Zoom call or meet in person over a cup of tea to discuss your particular situation, program details, and see if we are a good fit for each other.


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